2011. október 13., csütörtök


A ’90-es évek végétől a porcelán funkcionalitása kevésbé érdekelt, a forma és festészet összhangját kerestem.

Since the end of the 90s I have been less interested in the function of porcelain objects, and rather been fascinated by the connection of from and its decoration.

Pici Skót képek-Glasgow 2009

Fordított világ/Inverse world 2005

                     The visitors.

At first glance, Dobany’s piece seems to show the reflection of the Arnolfini couple in themirror. But this is not so. In a reflection, the positions of the couple would be reversed. In his porcelain painting, the couple stand with their back to us, so it is as if we were INSIDE the painting, standing BEHIND THEM. Moreover, they are standing in front of Dobany. Sandor has put himself in the painting, and imagined himself to be a 15th Century ceramic artist, whom the Arnolfini couple have gone to visit in his studio. Round the walls you can see Sandor’s work and on the table, among the oranges, a still life composed of his own tea set. So Dobany has in fact imagined that the famous couple have come to life – or that he was transported back in time, to a time when they were both alive.

     Emilka Radinska 2010 Glasgow